Friday, November 12, 2010

Discerning God's voice and demon possession

My friend and I are currently reading the book of Matthew and the question arose as to whether or not there are people possessed by demons today. We both have our own thoughts on this and she asked me this morning to see what your response was. What a great time for you to start a blog!!!
   Along the same lines, how do you know if you're hearing God's or Satan's voice in your ear/heart?

I Wonder Who’s Talking

Dear Wonder,
            Nothing like starting off a blog with an easy, user-friendly question. J
            My answer to the first question is, “Yes, I personally believe there are demons and that they can and probably do possess people.” Having said that, let me offer four quick qualifiers: 1) As a wise man said, “There are many things in the spiritual realm that we can never fully understand in this life. Though I believe in demon possession, that doesn’t mean I fully understand it or can explain it. 2) I’m not suggesting the movie versions of demon possession. That’s Hollywood, and their job is to blow reality out of proportion. 3) Don’t confuse or attribute psychological problems like schizophrenia and other major psychosis to demon possession. 4) It’s very dangerous to run around claiming certain people are demon possessed. Many horrible atrocities and prejudices have been propagated over the centuries because of the abuse and misuse of beliefs like demon possession. Tread lightly.
            One of the reasons I do believe is because the Bible has countless examples of it. Granted, over the centuries, many things like psychosis were wrongly attributed to demon possession, but it would be arrogant presumptuousness for me to assume we are so enlightened today that something referred to so often in the Bible doesn’t really exist. The other reason I believe is because I’ve seen people possessed and miraculously set free from demon possession. That’s another blog entry all together, but it is a huge reason why I do believe.

            The second question is a little more difficult: “How do you know if you're hearing God's or Satan's voice in your ear/heart?” This is not a cop-out response, but, as I’ve struggled with discerning God’s voice in my own life, I’ve discovered, first of all, that it’s tough to make a “one-size-fits-all” declaration of what is or is not God’s voice. That’s a wishy-washy way of saying, “It depends on what you’re hearing.” Which brings up the second thing I’ve discovered: Share what you’re hearing with someone else, and ask them to pray with you and for you for discernment.
            Having said that, I can offer these few criteria (I’m all about listing just in case you haven’t noticed): 1) If the voice is calling you to do something that glorifies God or moves you closer to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, it’s a good bet it’s not Satan. 2) The opposite of number 1 is true: If what you’re hearing will directly interfere with your walk with Christ, it’s not God. 3) If the whisper you’re hearing is, “You’re worthless. The situation is hopeless,” or anything along those lines, it’s not of God; especially the “You’re worthless” references. 4) However, if you are feeling conviction about something you’ve done or left undone that conflicts with the Bible’s call to love others, love God, and give of yourself sacrificially to others, it’s most likely from God.
            Again, it depends. I would say the best way to have a better gauge is to do two things (another list): 1) Get in the Word of God. If what you’re hearing doesn’t jive with God’s Word, then it’s not of the Lord. 2) Spend much time in prayer so that you’ll be able to recognize the still small voice of God. It is possible and God promises it, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-- his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Rom. 12:2).
