I've had hundreds of people ask me why I don't have a blog. Actually, it's been about 5 people; but allow me my little fantasy.
The reasons I've never blogged is because I've always had a hard time coming up with topics I thought others would be interested in reading about. Recently, I've been asked a number of questions about everything from what we believe at The River, to Christianity and life in general. In the middle of my responding to one of those questions, I realized that I was thoroughly enjoying the process because I was dealing with an issue that someone was truly interested in. So, in my razor sharp mind, I thought, "Why not have a Q&A type of blog?" I could call it something intellectual like, "Deep answers from a shallow well," or "What I wish my daddy would have told me before I burned my hand off." I finally landed on the philosophically moving "Ask JimBob."
So, this is your chance. If you have a question about anything, I'm going to take a stab at answering it. No topic is off limits. Well, there might be some topics that are off limits, but we'll see how this works out first.
If you're a part of The River and you want to know why we do certain things we do, fire away. If you're looking into this thing called Christianity and you have some questions you'd like answered, I'll give it my best biblically based shot. If you're wrestling with a general life issue, we'll tackle it here together.
In order to provide freedom to ask any question, we've provided a link to submit questions anonymously. If you're ready to submit a question use this LINK.
Looking forward to journeying together. It ought to be interesting!